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by Gold’s Gym Singapore on 19 Nov 2012, 10:22pm View »

How does exercise ease patients with chronic diseases? .

Response: The main reason why routine exercises are able to ease the symptoms of individual with chronic diseases are due to the biological impact. With the aid of routine exercises participation and daily physical activities the physiological changes on the patient will lead to reduction in the risk of premature death due to chronic diseases thus extending the life of the individual.


The five biological changes that will benefit people with chronic diseases due to exercise are Improved body composition, Improved lipid lipoprotein profiles, improved glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity, reduce blood pressure and enhance immune system function. Due to these changes the body is able to function better.


Therefore in conclusion routine exercises participation and daily physical activities contribute to biological changes, which directly and indirectly reduced the incidence of chronic diseases and premature death.




ACSM's exercise management for persons with chronic

diseases and disabilities (2nd ed.). (2003). Champaign,

Ill.: Human Kinetics.


Bredin, S. (2006). Health benefits of physical activity:

The Evidence . Canadian Medical Association Journal,

174(6), 10. Retrieved February 2, 2012, from


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by Gold’s Gym Singapore on 14 Nov 2012, 11:50pm View »

How to prepare a healthy tuna egg pancake.

Tuna egg pancake is one of the best breakfasts as it is not only packed with protein but it also has a good amount of omega 3 and carbohydrates. It is the ideal breakfast for everyone be it children, adult or elderly. Wolfberry, which is beneficial to the liver and kidney, is added. It is also proven to be able to sharpen vision. Most importantly it takes less than 10 mins to prepare!

Now let me teach you guys how to make the protein packed breakfast. First, you have to prepare 10 egg whites, 2 egg yolks, 20 wolfberries, 1 can of tuna flakes and 2 spoons of oregano. Next, combine all the ingredients together in a bowl and stir it well. Make sure all the ingredients are mixed well. Then, pour the mixture into a pan, cover it and turn on the fire to medium heat for 5-7mins. Finally, open the cover and sprinkle some pepper on it and your homemade tuna egg pancake is done. You can add organic rolled oats into this recipe for additional carbohydrates to fuel your day.

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by Gold’s Gym Singapore on 13 Nov 2012, 11:18pm View »

Building a massive BACK .

I’m sure all gym goers trained their back muscles as much as their chest muscles but what really cause the back muscles to grow big and massive is always lacking as most people go for heavy weights without even feeling the muscles and just doing it all in harms way as injury are common when performing back exercises.

Back tip number 1

The most important thing to do on every rep of every set of every back workout is to squeeze it. Most of the time the reason you can't grow your back is because you can't feel it . Hold the contracted position of each back lift for one second and if you still can't feel your back working you are probably still performing the movement incorrectly hence it’s very important to feel the correct muscles that your training.

Tip number 2

Visualising the correct way of performing  the exercise before you start lifting the weights as visualising prevents bad forms and injuries from occurring and also would improve on tip number 1 by squeezing.

Tip number 3

Lifting light weights will help you better if your always lifting heavier weights but in a much lousy form as back exercise need squeezing and contracting methods to fully ulitise the back muscles and also it’s a good way of correcting ones posture and form which you benefits from both not getting injured thru good forms and also forcing the muscles to work harder by being able to squeeze more.

Tip number 4

If your back is still not growing try pre hausting method by having 2 exercise of 3 sets of biceps exercise which would force the back to work harder since biceps is one of the few core component when doing back exercise so do take not of all the tips to help you achieve a better and stronger back muscle

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by Gold’s Gym Singapore on 11 Nov 2012, 08:30pm View »

Benefits of Exercise.

Today im going to share with you the benefits of exercise not just on physical appearance on individual fitness goal but also to introduce exercise to sedentary people the benefits of regular exercises it brings. Engaging in regular aerobic exercise improves greatly the cardiorespiratory fitness and lots of studies had been shown that the incidence of heart diseases, stroke , diabetic and all-causes of mortality greatly decreases with increasing levels of cardiorespiratory fitness or just by being physically active.

Firstly being physically active you can prevent  PREMATURE DEATH by just having the recommended 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity a week . A lower risk of premature death is reported in people whom exercises in higher levels of moderate to vigorous intensity levels ranging from leisure of physical activity to high intensified physical activity . So its never too late to start exercising for this benefits for all including both the elite people and the sedentary to the aging populations.

By doing cardiovascular exercises you can improved not just your cardiovascular system but you can also reduce the risk of having cardiovascular diseases just by being physical active for at least 150 minutes per week  as heart disease are one of the few causes of death be in Singapore or any part of the world. Regular exercises also reduce the blood pressure of people suffering from hypertension if comply by a good planned and steady introduction of low to moderate intensity exercises.

Type 2 diabetes statistic is also climbing given with the high amount of sugary drink and unhealthy diet vastly available in our modern world had greatly increased and by exercising regularly you can control your bloody sugar levels , improved glucose tolerance , increased insulin sensitivity and decreased insulin requirement as required due to individual body system.


So lets all start exercising for health benefits not just physical results.

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by Gold’s Gym Singapore on 8 Nov 2012, 10:28pm View »

Bodyweight workouts.

Not enough time to hit the gym when you're overseas for business or pleasure?
Not to worry, all you need is just 20mins and your bodyweight to these exercises that i'm about to show you.

The following exercises are categorized in body parts.

- Push ups with fingers pointing outwards at a 45 degree angle.

- wide push ups (arms just spread out slightly wider than shoulder width)
- Buddha clap (palms pointing upwards)

- Diamond push up

- Flutter kicks
- leg raised crunches (legs 90 degrees or rested on the bed or chair)
- V-up
- Front plank
- Side planks (left and right side)

- Squats
- Sumo squats
- lunges
- calve raise

For back, you can only find a chin up to do chin ups.

For all exercises do a minimum if 10 repetitions. You can split the exercises up into sets or you can do it in circuit in the following order or choose an exercise from each category and make it into your own circuit training. Rest about 30 to 45 seconds in between sets.

If you are unsure of the exercise consult a personal trainer or someone who knows how to do the workout.

Safety is important, if you are feeling unwell, stop the exercise, take a rest or see a doctor if there is a need

Personal trainer
Gold's, Gym Tanjong Pagar

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by Gold’s Gym Singapore on 7 Nov 2012, 11:35am View »

Chin ups (Part three).

Below are a few more variations to add on your chin up arsenal. 

Stacked grip chin ups:
With both hands griped facing different directions, one in front of the other, pull your body weight up to either side of the bar. (You should be facing parallel to the bar, being right under it. Any attempt to pull straight up will jam your head right below it.) This variation of chin up works similar to the narrow grip chin up but with a hand forced further away to recruit less bicep involvement. Works more on the teres major to horizontally abduct the shoulders one side at a time. Do remember to switch the order of the grip on the next set. (You are not just doing one are you?)

Rope grip pull ups:
With the use of two rope attachments (from the cable machine), or  two towels as rope substitute, grab the end of the rope and pull yourself over the height of your palms. The rope should be draped over the bar, and your grip consists of both ends of the rope. This is a different variation on the neutral grip chin up and requires more forearm endurance. Wider placement of the rope works on the latissimus dorsi, while closer width recruits more teres major and bicep brachii to lift your chin over grip height.

One arm rope grip assisted chin ups:
Just like the rope grip, except the other hand is on the bar; this variation aids in putting the work onto on the lats of the side where the hand is on the bar. This useful method is used to progressively work up towards a single arm chin up.

Thick grip chin ups:
Using a thickened bar (add padding or simply find a thicker bar), the chin up enforces even less recruitment on the arms to pull yourself up, ultimately depending on the lats for a focused, rewarding and concentrated back work.

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by Gold’s Gym Singapore on 4 Nov 2012, 04:10pm View »

Dumbbell Squats Demo.

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by Gold’s Gym Singapore on 2 Nov 2012, 10:10pm View »

Chin ups (Part Two).

The next two parts of the article focuses on the different hand grip positions for the intermediate chin up lover. Different grips can affect different angles of your desired back work. Depending on the available bars at your disposal, try out the different grips to work your lats!

Wide grip chin ups:
The rowers’ favorite chin ups, with arms wide open, as much as possible, usually gripping both ends of the chin up bar. This chin up uses more of the latissimus dorsi and shoulder rotators rather than bicep strength. This is good workout for building back width.

Narrow grip chin ups:
With hands closer to each other (until the point the meet), perform a chin up without overarching or using too much momentum. Usually this chin up is done with elbows pointing away from bearer instead of laterally. Works more on the teres major to horizontally abduct the shoulders than lats pull downs.

Parallel grip chin ups:
Similar to the narrow grip chin up, the parallel grip also works more on the teres major to horizontally abduct the shoulders compared to standard, or wide grip chin ups. The parallel grip is considered to be a more neutral grip with both palms facing each other and allows for greater upwards motion without restriction from the bar.

Perpendicular grip chin ups:
Facing the inside of a perpendicular corner of two bars of the same height, grip the bar with equal distance from the edge and palms facing away from bearer, lift the body weight up and retract the back, squeezing both elbows towards the back at the top of the bar.


[To be Continued]

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by Gold’s Gym Singapore on 31 Oct 2012, 10:46pm View »

A whey a day, keeps the doctor away.

Many people do not consume breakfast. After long hours of sleep, your, the lack of insulin brings you into catabolic state and body is craving for food. It is really important to replenish nutrients and energy as a source of fuel to start your day.

Whey protein can gives you very good source of energy. The benefits of Whey protein shake can be prepared in minutes that save a lot of time in the morning. The most important thing about whey protein is the fast digestibility and it absorb effectively to your body. It also provides essential and non essential amino acid that helps to repair muscles, cell and bones. Some protein shake has antioxidant which enhances immune system and promotes muscle growth!

For dieters, whey protein shake also comes in low carbohydrates and low sugar level that helps in losing weight. Some whey protein has added with essential vitamins and minerals too.  Whey protein provides nutrients, occurring branched chain amino acid (BCAA) and it absorb into our skeletal muscles and contribute tissues recovering effect. Especially high level of Leucine which found in BCAA, may help to preserve lean muscle mass and burning fat more effectively.

Grab a tub for protein shake now to shape up your body and as a good source healthy food!


Amount of protein intake depend on factors, such as age, gender, weight, lifestyle and your health condition. Recommendation of intake will be:

Recreational exerciser: 0.5-0.7 g/lb

Endurance exerciser; 0.5-0.8 g/lb

Strength training athlete: .5-0.8 g/lb

Calorie restricting athlete: .08-0.9 g/lb

*source from (

Allergen warning: Some people experiencing lactose intolerance and some whey protein contain milk, soy, egg, fish, nuts and peanuts.

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by Gold’s Gym Singapore on 30 Oct 2012, 09:09am View »

Lose Weight.

How To Lose Weight Immediately

A day will not be enough if we are to discuss the reasons why people should start losing weight, especially if they tend to be on the heavier side. Here, is a statistic that will surely motivate you. Did you know that there are 112 million people who die because of the complications of being overweight? Obesity increases your risk of developing heart disease and stroke. It puts strain to your heart which causes your blood pressure and cholesterol to increase.

Tips On Lose Weight Safely

More and more are becoming conscious about their weight. There are some who are doing this for health reasons while there are some who are doing this for aesthetic purposes. Those who find themselves caught in the situation of having to lose some weight tend to result in drastic measures because of wanting to lose weight badly. These people are easily blinded by fad diets and medications. Apparently, these methods do more harm than good. They are dangerous to one’s health.


Do not succumb yourself to these deceitful methods, keep in mind that the healthiest way is the easiest and fastest way. Losing weight is a balancing act wherein math is pretty much involved. It is essential that you know how many calories you must consume in a day in order for you to lose weight. For example, you take in as much as 1200 calories in a day and exercise for about an hour, you will probably lose about 5 pounds per week.


The first thing that you need to check on is your diet. Skipping meals will not do you any good, the key to losing weight is eating right. You must burn more calories than the calories that you take in. Abstain from eating foods which have added sugar in them, from those that have animal fat, saturated fat and starches. Instead, fill your plate with heaps of greens, fruits, egg whites and soy products. You do not have to be a vegan in order to take away those pounds. Stock up on 95% lean meat, fish and skinless poultry. Furthermore, drink plenty of water, think more than 8 glasses.

Exercise To Lose Weight

Diet and exercise go hand in hand in order for you to shed off those extra pounds. People are attracted to rigorous exercises such as strength and resistance training; this is because they have a notion that doing strenuous activities will help facilitate the elimination faster. But the truth is doing the combination of resistance training and aerobic exercise such as cardio assuredly does the trick, it burns more calories.

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